Print! Tangible material people still want to see. Mailers, postcards, brochures, doorhangers, flyers and more...


Print Campaigns

Print is not dead in a digital world. The response generated off mailers, postcards and flyers do work. If they didn't, you would have stopped receiving them in the mail a long time ago. Campaigns prove the results and we can help you utilize this market tracking your campaigns results.

Why it works!

Put it in writing! If it is printed, statistically it has a higher trust rate. Holding information in your hand that cannot magically disapear out of the digital world holds more value to a lot of people. That is why Print works. The market is there, don't forget to cater to it. We have campaigns that have been successful and we want to share them with you!

Successful Automotive Campaigns:

  • Mailers with high opening rates.
  • Postcards Special Offers
  • New Movers to the neighborhood.
  • Warrenty offers
  • Automotive Repair Programs

When offers are in writing, they are salitified. People like to hold that information in their hands!

Control Panel

The Resource center works directly with your shop management system.

It is designed to be accessible from any device, no matter where you are, you can check in and see how your customers are responding to your campaign after it was sent out.


The Resource Center reports data from campaign providing:

  • Get real-time reporting
  • See which cusotmers utilized campaign
  • Track revenue of campaign and more...

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Printed Material

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